
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/18 14:25:53
合二为一:He said...There is going to be a fashion show at 10:00 tomorro morning.
tomorrow morning要不要变成the next morning ?

严格按照语法当然要变成the next morning. 但是如果是在当天转述他说的话就不需要变。另外,即使不是当天转述,外国人一般也不会说the next day,而是直接变成具体的日期或具体说明是哪一天。你若变成the next morning之后很怪异,还要多补充一句说他是在什么时候说的这句话,才知道他所谓的the next day究竟指的是哪一天。但是你如果硬是要将他变成the next day 在语法上是没有问题的。

He said that there was going to be a fashion show at 10:00 tomorrow morning.
如果他是在今天早前说的那就不需要变tomorrow morning,如果他是昨天说的那就要变成in the morning today,因为他昨天说的tomorrow morning 就是 今天早上in the morning today
(in the morning 可不加,因为10:00已经表明了是早上)

另外一般外国人应该会说 (there will be) 而不是 (there is going to be)
He said (that) there would be a fashion show at 10:00 o'clock tomorrow morning.