
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/05 17:06:09
给小何写信感谢他接待你在云南旅游,并且回忆美好的旅行经历 ,同时邀请小何来你的家乡做客

Xiao He,

I'm writing to thank you for the great time I had in Yunan, too bad that good times never lasts. You can't begin to imagine how much it means to me.

That was the most amazing vacation I have ever had. Aside from the breathtaking scenery, the hospitable locals and the food that still makes my mouth water just thinking about it, the province itself is a flawless place for soul searching and clearing of the mind.

I would love to have you over for the coming summer. I can't promise to show you as good a time as you did me, but I do vow to do my best. So if you have the time, let me know and I'll make the arrangements. I promise that you don't have to lift a finger.


Dear XiaoHe:

Thank you for entertain me cordially in Yunnan province.I really had a good time with you.you know,I could not gain so much fun if you were not my side.Thank you so much.

The tour in Yunnan i