
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/05 07:34:25
On weekends,especially,the family is likely to spend time together-attending church,visiting relaives,watching a ball game,going bike-riding,touring the zoo,or just playing* "catch" *in the backyard while the hamburgers are barbecuing.



楼主可否把原文拿出来,光说一个catch只有下面这个意思。但任何扔出去、接住的都可叫catch game.像人同狗玩时扔东西要狗去接,都是叫catch。所以楼主句子中可能不是这个意思。还有,catch有play trick的意思。


In baseball, a catch occurs when a fielder gains secure possession of a batted ball in flight, and maintains possession until he voluntarily or negligently releases the ball. When a catch occurs, the batter is out, and runners, once they properly tag up (retouch their time-of-pitch base), may attempt to advance at risk of being tagged out.

Unlike in American football and other sports, neither secure possession for a time nor for a number of steps is enou