
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/06 19:23:00





Firstly we have to face up to the problems, of food shortage and the reduction in arable areas, the growth of needs consumption,which have placed the ecological balance upside down: for the reason of making provision for the growing population, we have to expand arable and grazing lands which are used to produce food.

The world's arable land was only 450 million hectares in the 19 century, the weather follows the sharp increase in population,the areas under cultivation
also expanded rapidly, and it reaches the current size of about 1.5 billion
hectares, separately there are about 3 billion hectares of grazing lands,so the total area of arable and grazing lands is equal to 1/3 of the globe's land areas, arable and grazing lands have rapidly increased its serious destruction to the forests.
For the sake of their own existence, human beings are monopolizing the use of 1/3 of the globe's land areas, this is undoubtedly a deadly blow to other living