
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/26 01:20:18

2.同学们有什么意见或建议 可以用便利贴(免费使用)贴在板上的阴影部分(如图)。请节约能源,杜绝浪费纸的现象。



1. The result of this year's student council members is coming out soon, please vote become the deadline. Our fates are in your hands.

2. If anybody has any comments or concerns, please take the free sticky notes and post your comments on the shaded portion of the bulletin board (see picture). Please help save our planet, reduce paper waste.

3. It's been raining constantly recently, please don't forget to bring an umbrella. If it doesn't rain, you can use it to block the sun and prevent tanning. ^____^ For weather details, please look it up online.

4a. The first round of school activities are about to begin, please keep an eye out for a semester to remember.


4b. First semester school activities are about to begin, please keep an eye out for a semester to remember.

第四不知道你说得是什么意思。 如果说第一学期的活动即将开始用B, 如果说第一阶段的活动将开始用A。

1. University Student Union released the name of the upcoming hot,请同学们turn