
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/26 14:18:53

Computer network, which is developing rapidly ,and substituting the manual labor gradually , will become "king of the machine" of this time.

Computer network, developing at high speed, is gratually releasing people from manual working, who is to be the "king of machines" in our time.

PS:“计算机网络”好像不能说是“东西”“ 机器”吧(很难理解)?所以把这两个概念隐去,否则译文会很怪。“机器之王”也觉得怪怪的,但想不出更好的译法。当然问题不止这些,你的文笔实在让人看得痛苦啊。特别说明一下who在这里是一种形象的用法,如果不喜欢把它改成which也行。

Internet, a sharply developing technology which tends to replace the position of manuak working machines, will preserve its hammerlock in modern times.
