
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/07 06:04:27

The so-called "WTO" is the World Trade Organization, China December 11, 2001, formally joined the World Trade Organization, becoming its first 143 members. Join the WTO, China's economy, various industries have been affected to a certain extent, tourism is one of the industry. We must clearly recognize that WTO is a "double-edged sword," give us at the favorable opportunities and conditions, but also bring more challenges and unfavorable factors. Accession to the World Trade Organization, the tourism will be further opening up the service sector, tourism, the development of both major opportunities and serious challenges, on the whole are more advantages than disadvantages. After accession to the WTO, the tourism industry in the wider opening to the outside world, the real trade in services into the international tourism market, at a deeper level in line with international standards, to fully participate in international competition, so that the advantages of