英语高手进来 翻译 跪求

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/06 15:33:58
中国人的宗教信仰很多,与宗教相关的禁忌语是很多的。首先中国忌亵渎神灵,对自己信奉和崇拜的神仙不能在言语上有任何的轻慢和不敬。在中国信仰佛教和道教的人都是忌妄言。所谓“妄言”就是胡说、乱说、说假话。中国人受孔子思想影响较深。孔孟之道崇尚礼仪,要求人们在社交活动中言语适度,不可妄言或者信口开河,不着边际。中国人主要是汉族,为了保护一家老少生活幸福平安,还信仰家庭门神。“门神”, “财神”, “水神”等,他们能保佑一家人生活平安喜乐。因此人们买来贴于门户或供于堂中。但“买”字是很忌讳的,于是换成“请”,以免亵渎神灵。在中国也有敬动物为神的习俗,这在一些评剧中得到了体现,在当时戏班子的人忌说五种动物的名字,它们分别是老鼠、刺猬、黄鼠狼、狐狸、蛇。如果有谁不慎说了这些动物的名字,就要受到处分,有时还是很严重的处分。

Chinese's religious belief are many, with the religious related taboo language is many. The first Chinese death anniversary blasphemes the God, believes to oneself with the worship deity cannot have any profaning in the spoken language and disrespect. Believes Buddhism and Taoism people in China envies the wild talk. So-called “the wild talk” was the nonsense, speaks irresponsibly, tells the lie. The Chinese is been deep the Kong Zi thought influence. The way of Confucius and Mencius advocation etiquette, requests the people the spoken language to be moderate in the social activity, may not the wild talk or talks irresponsibly, is irrelevant. The Chinese is mainly the Han Nationality, to protect whole families to live happily safe, but also believes the family gate god. “the gate god”, “the God of Wealth”, “the water deity” and so on, they can bless the whole family to live safely pleasant. Therefore the people buy paste or supply in the gateway in the hall. But “buys” the chara