
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/04 05:43:10

就是垮海合作 不是翻唱的 是Sweet box先给S.H.E制作发行后 他们自己又唱的《More than love》 如果说翻唱 其实是SWEET BOX翻唱S.H.E的 我听过原曲 其实我觉得就编曲和演唱方法来讲 SWEET BOX的其实满单调的 S.H.E的伴奏居然类似交响乐 最后狂风暴雨的 听着很爽 而SWEET BOX的就是普通的摇滚

这首是SWEET BOX为SHE制作的,华研花了几百万台币呢

.《我爱你》翻唱Sweet box的《More than love》

Sweetbox的《More than love》,这是Sweetbox给S.H.E制作完成后又拿去填词唱的。和《Super Star》的性质一样。

i know you dreams know you cries
each breath i memorised and i would do anything to help you win your fight
but it s not enough to make you smile
it s never enough woo more can i give
more than love
more than this
than what s in these two hands
more than love
more than mew
but i can t give more than i am
more than i am
i ve seen the searching in your eyes5b
and i feel helpless by your side
so many spaces i can t fill
God knows how hard i triedG
it saying no more, and i dying inside
you always be more
woo more can i give P