
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/17 19:06:25


This article introduces decentralized management and the basic content of mixed operation of decentralized management, after turning mixed-business management were analyzed theoretically and realistic factor analysis. Through the analysis of economics that catches the cost income, the resources use efficiency, financial supervision effectiveness etc., mixed-business management greatly superior, the follow-up of decentralized management of global economic situation and the shareholding system, analyzes the factors, such as further differentiated to mixed mode is the global trend. Currently, China, China and the system of segregation of reality, China is mixed path is inevitable, according to the market, system and internal institutions problems, the government should strengthen financial supervision, perfect management system, improve internal and external financial environment, in order to promote the healthy and orderly financial market growth, for the development of mixed mode to