
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/07 17:53:50


It creatively provide (Seven channels of industry sales analysis table)and (Article 23 Zoning pay channels)(total:112 ranges)of Quarter/Year,which acquaint quickly and clearly branch and business of chief with all and each of cases such as (Sales, Contribution margin, Industry advantage , Resources) etc...

括号内的 应该都有专业名词 我时间紧,来不及和你找..你自己找下 然后贴上去 就OK了 句型应该是这样...

Creatively provides the quarter/year seven profession channel sale analytical table, 23 district channel wages strip (altogether 112 rows), causes the district and profession inspector general understands overall and each channel situations clearly rapidly and so on sale scale, gross profit contribution, profession superiority, resources delivery

Creatively to provide quarterly / annual sales channel seven industry analysis table, the wages of Article 23, Zoning channels (112 total), so that district and industrial director of the rapid and clear understanding of the overal