
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/21 18:18:35
1)Financial market instruments can be divided into two distinct species. There are the ‘underlying’ stocks: shares, bonds, commodities, foreign currencies; and their ‘ derivatives’, claims that promise some payment or delivery in the future contingent on an underlying stock’s behavior. Derivatives can reduce risk – by enabling a player to fix a price for a future transaction now, for example – or they can magnify it. A costless contract agreeing to pay off the difference between a stock and some agreed future price lets both sides ride the risk inherent in owning stock without needing the capital to buy it outright.

2)What is financial engineering? First, financial engineering is indeed an engineering discipline, and as such, proceeds from facts about the world plus prespecified goals to produce a solution to a problem. Finance is a social science, and as a science, it is concerned with understanding how the world really is. Financial engineering is heavily dependent on prob

1,金融市场工具可以简单分类为两类性质不同的工具。 一类是传统的'underlying stock' 例如股票,债卷,消费品(或生产用的原材料),外汇等。 另一种是建立在这些underlying stock发展起来的衍生金融工具,这些衍生工具可以通过未来一定的相约价格等方法来分善风险,(例如期货期权。),举例来说,通过卖空一项资产获得资金然后再把这资金投资到一个回报比较高的项目中,在这过程投资者不需要任何资金(无风险套利的典型方法)

2,什么是金融工程? 1, 金融学是一门社会科学,它牵涉到如何理解现实中的金融现象(如期货期权定价), 金融工程是一门科学来解决现实金融中的相关问题, 它包含了金融数学工具等模型(如CAPM,APT), 其中概率学理论对这些模型中各个变量的衡量起着重要的作用(如风险中性,MM-theorem, Put-Call parity, brownian motion)。 与其他工程学比较,金融工程学其中一个明显的特点是它起到一个参考的作用;很多时候不是完全准确(正态分布中总有可能出现特别列子, 当年LTCM,一个近代史上少有的成功的对冲基金就是因为太依靠金融工具分析结果俄罗斯债卷重组和这一概率很小的情况导致LTCM一下子几乎破产, 这是一个原因后来VAR等一些工具的发展). 金融工程仍然在发展中并不断的完善中, 研究人员不断研究希望完善金融模型

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