
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/07 11:16:24
1. 大众传媒对学生的认识社会和关心社会的正面影响.
a. 传媒手段和先进和丰富使学生获取信息的手段更加多样化,知识面和想像力都大大扩展.信息数量以几何级的速度不断冲击我们的生存空间,尤其是网络的出现,更使信息的冲击达到无以复加的地步.

b. 开放的媒体环境为我们学生提供了更为广阔的生活空间,展现了一幅多样化的生活图景,这为我们学生的个性发展提供更为有利的条件.

c. 传媒环境的繁荣使学生呈现出具有时代特色

d. 在青少年的价值观念中,自我无疑是最重要的,自我意味着独立,是现代社会最起码的思想资源。当代学生有自己的时尚和娱乐,有自己的语言和表达方式,大多数中学生认为,我们这一代人和父母一代在消费观念和处世目标上都有很大的不同,他们崇尚自主自立,相信自己的选择,青少年独立自主适应了现代社会生存竞争的需要,有利于发挥当代青少年的创造性,开拓新的道路。


结论:大众传媒正在我们的社会生活中发挥着越来越重要的作用: 作为一种社会控

1. The mass media on society and the students understanding of the positive effects of caring. A. media and rich and advanced students a means of access to information more diversified, knowledge and imagination are greatly expanded. Amount of information in order to keep the speed of the geometric class the impact of our living space, in particular the emergence of the network, but also the impact of the information to be added to reach the point.

b. an open media environment for our students with a wider living space, show a diverse picture of life for our students in personality development of more favorable conditions.

c. the prosperity of the media environment so that students have shown the characteristics of the times

Relations. The mass media, including newspapers, radio, television and new media. Practice has proved that the mass media has been deeply affected the political civilization of a city, the building of material civilization and sp