
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/07 09:26:07
内容:为鼓励同学们提高英语 口头表达能力,学生会将于下星期二举办一次全校范围的英语演讲比赛。欲参加的同学请于星期五之前向班长报名。英语系七名教授将应邀担任评委。前0名优胜者将获得奖品,以资鼓励。欢迎大家届时参加。
(word for reference: 由。。。。主办 under the auspices; 报名 sign up)


In order to encourage students to improve their English oral skills,student union will hold a whole-school English Speech Contest next Tuesday.Students who want to participate in must sign up to monitors.Seven professors of English Department will be invited to be as judges.The 10-preceding winners will be awarded for encouragement.Welcome everybody to participate in at that time.
Contest Date:Next Tuesday
Sponsor:Culture Department of Student Union
Notice Date:September 8th, 2005

To encourage students to improve their English oral skills, students will be held next Tuesday to hold a university-wide English Speech Contest. For students to participate please register by Friday, the squad leader. Professor of English Department of the seven will be invited to serve as judges. 0 before the prize winners will receive a token of encouragement. Will welcome you to participate.
Date: next Tuesd