
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/15 01:19:46
My friends often don’t believe me when I say l can spend an entire evening listening to stories about garbage and be completely attracted. That’s because they haven’t met Annie Leonard. She has been explaining the stupidity of our throwaway culture without mercy to me and many others for decades. While her mastery of detail is impressive, it’s her enthusiastic style that transforms dull facts into inspiring stories that force you to take action.

Leonard knew her story needed to reach as many people as possible to make a real difference. So, in 2007, she made it through an infectious online film called The Story of Stuff. Within six months, more than 3 million viewers from around the world watched the film. The Story of Stuff effectively and often humorously explains where all our stuff comes from, what resources are used to create it, whose lives are affected during its production, and where it goes when we discard it. While this all sounds familiar enough, it’ s Leonard’s

当我说我可以花一整个晚上听关于垃圾的故事而且被深深吸引的时候,我的朋友们往往不相信我。这是因为他们还没遇见过Annie Leonard。数十年来她一直毫不怜悯的跟我和其他人讲解我们一次性文化的愚蠢。尽管她对细节的掌握令人印象深刻,不过是她积极的风格把乏味的事实变成了鼓舞人心的故事去迫使你采取行动。
Leonard知道她的故事一定要让很多人知道才能真正发挥作用。因此,在2007年,她通过一个很有感染性的在线影片(东西的故事)做到了很好的宣传。 6个月内, 300多万来自世界各地的的观众观看了这部短片。(东西的故事)有效的而且常常幽默的解释所有东西的来源,用了什么样的资源来生产它,什么人的生活在其生产中受到了影响,当我们丢弃那些东西以后去了哪里。虽然这些话听起来都很熟悉,不过是Leonard严厉的提问和叙述的实情帮助了我们看到了整个体系的不完善。
Leonard用了20年的时间去提高人们对环境卫生的关注,与像Global Anti-Incinerator Alliance(全球性反焚秽炉联盟), Health Care Without Harm(国际医疗保健), Greenpeace International (世界绿色和平)and the Funders Workgroup for Sustainable Production and Consumption这样的组织一起努力,组织起了一些承诺去建造一个不破坏生态平衡的未来的制造商。 她用了半生得时间去了超过30个国家来见证那些随便的消费主义对环境的影响和那些为我们生产消费品的人们坚苦工作; 她还花了无数的时间去纠正这些不公道。 所以这是为什么当Leonard谈垃圾时,人们不得不去倾听。

PS 我不知道你看没看过这个短篇,不过我前不久刚看过,很好看,真的很有感染力。这是她的网页:http://www.storyofstuff.com/
