
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/22 02:56:39

李民浩与澳大利亚女模特Jessica Gomes携手,为韩国某啤酒品牌拍摄了一部广告MV。这首MV中使用的歌曲《Extreme》由韩国著名作曲家朴根泰创作,李民浩通过亲自演唱这首HipHop曲风的歌曲,展示了其不俗的实力。背景歌曲《Extreme》是李民浩亲自演唱的,RAP部分则是由Jessica担任

不是他唱的= = 是个女的在唱啊...
Now we strip extra set for the paper
give it to me now or never
give it to me straight no chas'n
give it to me 'cause I'm capable of
termination got extressed no limitation
so extreme it's an agnition got go go go
my ammunition is going barbaritic
One Hey you wanna get it started
Two o'click Hey you mind if we have party
Three timing is you I'm so cool
pull expressive ambition of mine cool
here's my middle finger i hope you like it
if you disaprove I know you psyched
love is not for me and a time for driving you
