
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/23 14:05:55


A demonstration of the potiential value of the traditional cutural elements in cultural and creative industry of China.

Cutlural and creative industry is now a vocabulary more frequently being seen by people and contemporary enconomical terminology, and also can be seen in many countries' government plans for improving the economy of the third industry. With the emerging of the cultural and creative industry, it's not only indicated unlimited opportunities and challenge, and the more important factor is the cultural and creative industry has become a window to find out a country's intergrated economy capability in the development situation of a country. Today, creation has become another powerful elment to promote the development of economical society besides technology, management and capital. It is very important at current situation to study the development route and promotion policies of the cultural and creative industry.

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