dr. naana afua jumah (student, harvard medical school): a 23-year-old woman

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/06 01:05:21
Dr. Naana Afua Jumah (Student, Harvard Medical School): A 23-year-old woman was
seen in the gynecology clinic of this hospital because of a high-grade squamous intraepithelial
lesion seen on pathological examination of a Papanicolaou (Pap) smear.
Four weeks earlier, the patient had come to the adolescent and young adult
medicine clinic of this hospital to establish care and to receive counseling regarding
oral contraception, screening for sexually transmitted infections, and vaccination for
the human papillomavirus (HPV).
Menarche had occurred at the age of 13 years, and menses had been monthly and
regular. She had been sexually active since the age of 21 and had had 18 male
partners, most of whom had had other sexual partners, and she had no history of
sexually transmitted infections or pelvic infections. She had used oral contraceptives
for 3 months, when she first became sexually active, and reported consistent condom
use f

Naana Afua患病Jumah(学生,哈佛医学院):23岁的女人看见这个医院妇产科的高档鳞状上皮病变病理学检查的Papanicolaou(Pap)污迹。
每公升25.9毫克(参考范围,10 - 25;毒性水平、>);三级数小时后是正常的。她被教导正确剂量的药物和出院了。她有多个典型的痣,两种以前曾报道显示表皮发育异常的变化。她有一个腺样体切除术10岁的时候。病人在办公室工作、生活和室友。她一直没有健康保险的大学毕业以来1年前。她喝了5到10酒精饮料2至3天期间,包括每周性交,