
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/13 15:30:30
Education Background:
09/2006-06/2009: 湖北省武昌实验中学

sat: 10月份考,最差也会有1900吧
GPA:3.75左右 成绩单学校说一下子弄不出来 就大概算了一下GPA
Extracurricular Activities:
 2002.4 曾担任“学生校长” 帮助老师管理日常行为规范
 2006.10 参加“武汉电视台”的“激情大比拼”节目中40人编花篮比赛,并表演拉丁舞
 2007.9 曾任校团代会评委
 2007.10 做应届大学生就业率调查 一个实践活动 因为大学生就业率已逐年下降,想找到就业率下降原因及他们的理想工作与现实生活中的差距
 2007.11 至今 校刊“花季骑士”编辑
 2007.12 学校新年联欢会主持人
 2008.4 做有关”计划生育”的演讲获老师好评 谈自己对计划生育这项政策的看法
 2008.7 四川地震后,前往北川担任志愿者工作,教小朋友学习,并进行心理辅导
 2008.9 接待来自日本的学生交流访问团,并担任翻译等工作。
 2008.9 义务宣传救生知识
 小学、初中、高中均为校合唱队成员,校运动会投稿负责人
 多次去敬老院,孤儿院,帮助有困难的儿童和老人
 今年六月准备去鄂西支教
 今年八月去香港参加中日青年会议

Honors and Awards:
 小学至中学期间多次获得武汉市优秀学生,优秀班委,优秀团员
 2002.5 参加“湖北省体育舞蹈锦标赛” 获个人第五名
 2006.4 “希望杯”全国数学邀请赛湖北赛区三等奖

Education Background: 09/2006- 06/2009: Hubei province Wuchang laboratory middle school Talent: Nation dance & Latin dance toefl: This time not very having a test in is ideal , summer holidays may have a test in once more. Think of have a test in to 100-tenths of sat: 10 months have a test in , dispatch GPA to be able to have 1900 bars also most: School report card school criticizes 3.75 or so doing it all of a sudden from big rough estimates not having come out once GPA Extracurricular Activities: & # 61548; 2002.4 once held the post of "student President " helping a teacher to manage daily behavior regulations & # 61548; 2006.10 "the intense emotion joining "the Wuhan television station " is big than 40 people compiles basket of flowers competition, and performance Latin dance & # in putting a program together " 61548; 2007.9 once let the regiment of school replace the meeting judge & # 61548; 2007.10 makes the present graduating year college student