
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/14 11:59:25
一个老板酒后,心情非常高兴,吹着口哨,开着心爱的奔驰600在公路上行使,这时,他发现路边停着一辆农用拖拉机,并且有一个人在摆手。于是,他 停下车,原来,这个拖拉机坏在路上,想找人帮助拖走。老板今天心情非常高兴,便答应了。两个人同时约定好,如果拖拉机打右转向灯,请继续开。如果拖拉机打 左转向,请停车。然后,老板开着奔驰600与拖拉机一起上路了。(当然开的很慢了)突然,一辆宝马轿车从后面以极快的速度超过他们,老板一看,非常生气, 怒骂到:“还没有人敢超我奔驰600的呢!”于是,他马上挂高档,急踩油门,奔着宝马就追了上去。(因为喝了酒,他已忘了后面还拖了一辆拖拉机)老板很快 的追上了宝马,正当他们以280迈的速度飚车的时候,被路边的一个交通警察发现了,想拦已经来不及了,连忙拿出对讲机,跟下一路段警察联系:“喂,喂, 喂,发现两辆车在飚车,速度非常快,一个是宝马,一个是奔驰600,请你拦阻他们,不对,是三辆车在飚车,后面还紧紧的跟着一辆拖拉机,并且拖拉机还打着 左转向灯,想超车......

a boss was very excited after being drunk.he was driving his loved benz with whistling.just then ni found that there was a tractor parking at the roadside and a person was waving his hands.so he slowed down and parked.the fact was ,the tractor dropped anchor,and need to be towed.the boss was so exited with wine that he agreed the farmer.they promised each other that if the tractor's cornering lamp is on just go on,and if the left is on ,stop the car.and then the boss started agian with the anchored tractor (they drove slowly)sunddenly a bmw overtake them at a very high speed,witch irritated the boss.and the boss accelerated to catch the bmw with the word"nobody dare overtake my car" (becouse of the wine he forgot the tractor behind),soon the boss catched the bmw .but when dragging racing at a speed of 280 km per h ,they were detected by the police at the roadside .there was not enough time to stop them so the police called another one at nest section "hey hey,two