文章摘要汉译英 另外帮忙找一篇有相关的英文文献并翻译成汉语 2000字以上 好的加分

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/23 12:09:20
“摘 要 在对中学生的施教中,老师、家长及专职中学生教育的工作者们,普遍感到当代中学生存在比较严重的逆反心理现象,同时又表现出无计可施、无可奈何的状态。逆反心理正在使很多教育者的热情和积极性受到打击和动摇。所以,中学生逆反心理的调节就显得尤为重要。有效地调节中学生的逆反心理主要应该依靠中学生积极的发挥主观能动性,但同时教育工作者和家长甚至是整个社会都要创造良好的环境,积极引导中学生调节自身不良的逆反心理,从而帮助他们消除消极的逆反心理,树立正确的人生观、价值观。 ”

另外帮忙找一篇有关中学生逆反心理的英文文献 并翻译成中文 2000字以上即可 满意的话追加50分
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This paper will be translated
"For the students to pick in teaching, teachers, parents and school education of workers full-time students, contemporary feel there is more serious psychological phenomenon, at the same time, the rebellious and overwhelmed, helpless state. Many educators reverse psychology is the enthusiasm and initiative hit and waver. Therefore, students recalcitrant adjustment is particularly important. Effectively adjust rebellious attitude mainly should rely on students actively subjectivity education workers, but also with parents and even the whole society to create a good environment, and actively guide students adjust itself to adverse psychological resistance, help them to eliminate the negative psychological resistance, set up the correct outlook on life and values."

Pick on high school students in teaching, teachers, parents and school education of workers full-time students, contemporary feel there is more serious psychological phenome