请问still to be had的意思?

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/01 20:56:28
整句话如下:The state notes, which were limited in quantity and for use only within the issuing state, are in some instances more valuable but still to be had.

我觉得句末的“but still to be had”难以理解。诚心请教!非常感谢回答的朋友!
谢谢前两位回答者!这句话中的notes指的是纸币,它所在的上下文指的是美国的纸币收藏。如果这样的话,那still to be had又如何理解呢?

The state notes...are in some instances more valuable but still to be had.
to be had为被动语态,还原为主动语态应为But still have the state notes. The state notes, which... are in some instances more valuable.


这个still to be had 我网上也搜不到啥意思,只是根据句子猜的,希望有别的专业的人来回答一下,让俺也学习下,呵呵。