
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/25 04:56:26

job与 work 都是指工作,但job是可数名词,work是不可数名词。一般,作为名词job更侧重种类,而work侧重于量。work作名词,有体力或脑力劳动的意思(同义词有labour, toil)。job 作为“工作”解,其实有两层含义:一个是“干活”的“活”,一个作为职业的“事”。job
作“干活”的“活”时的同义词有task, duty, assignment等;job作为职业的“事”解时有如
下的同义词:position, place, situation, post等。

work:(u n) A very general one.
job:(c n) Any sort of gainful regular employment whether
permanent or temporary.
He had a good jog in a bank.
profession: It suggests a position that can't be gained without a considerable amount of higher
It implies intellectual work, scholarship and mainly refers to three learned professions-law, medicine
and theology.
What do you think of the profession to be a teacher?
occupation: What he is engaged in, either continuously or temporarily, for any purpose, whether of
profit of amusement, learning.
Can you find occupation suitable for his abilities.
employment:(u n) What one is doing, work done in service of