
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/22 18:50:01
题目:discuss how computers have changed our lives .根据下列问题写一段英语文章,1:how do computers make your life easier?more difficult?2:how do computers affect the way you spend your free time?3:how do computers influence the kinds of jobs people have?

Computers have made it easier for us to access a wealth of information and have all but rendered printer encyclopedias obsolete. They have also made it easier and cheaper to advertise our business anywhere we wish and do business with anyone anywhere in the world.

On the downside however, computers have also made it easier for sexual predators to find victims, for criminals to steal our hard-earned money, and to even steal our identity, something nearly unheard of just a few decades ago. Also, children are more likely to sit in front of a computer and chat when they could just as easily speak with their friends on a telephone or go outside and play like children used to before the "computer revolution".

As with any new technology, there are good and bad points, but in the end the general public through their actions will determine whether or not computers have actually improved our lives.

讨论如何电脑已经改变了我们的生活。根据下列问题写一段英语文章, 1 :如何让您的计算机更容易?更加困难? 2 :如