
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/24 14:37:12
They described a vicious looking creature that stood on two legs. A man-like animal that was covered with a coat dingy, gray hair. The men estimated that this beast stood over 7 feet tall and weighed somewhere between 400 and 500 lbs. But what they remembered most were its sickly yellow eyes, set far apart on its skull, and the horrific stench which surrounded this creature... it was the smell of death.


他们描述了在二条腿站立的一个狠毒看的生物。 用灰溜溜的外套,灰色头发盖的一个男人似动物。 人估计这只野兽站立7英尺高和被称在400和500 lbs之间。 但是什么他们记住了多数是它病弱的黄色眼睛,集合离得很远在它的头骨,并且围拢这个生物…的可怕恶臭它是死亡的气味。