
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/24 06:32:13
摘 要:随着全球信息化的高速发展,传媒业作为信息的载体主导着信息传播过程,在社会中的地位凸显它的特殊性。改革开放以来,我国发生了巨大的变化,生活水平的提高和信息科技的发展为人们全面地认识世界创造了条件,传媒者成为社会生活极其重要的组成部分。而且,随着经济的快速增长,国内大部分媒体逐渐脱离了完全性依靠国家拨款,自主经营成为了媒体经济收入的主要来源,于是传媒者便有了商人的一面,以逐利为目标在传媒业中成了一种普遍性,但传媒业的特殊性质与商业有很大的差别,传媒业界频频爆发的道德问题让人深思,其归根结底都是为名为利。如何处理媒体在经济与道德中的平衡、媒体与受众的辩证关系,媒体在社会中应属于何种地位和作用,都值得我们进行深层次的探讨。本文以“李亚鹏怒打娱记”事件为例探讨如今社会传媒道德缺失的现象及成因、媒体怎样在经济与道德中寻求平衡点、传媒自身道德建设对受众的影响、如何有效规范传媒道德、媒体在构建和谐社会中应发挥的作用等。

关键词:传媒道德 道德缺失 道德构建


Abstract: With the global high-speed development of information technology, the media industry as the carrier of information dominates the information dissemination process, the status in society highlights the specificity of it. Since reform and opening up, China has undergone tremendous changes in living standards and the development of information technology for people to fully understand the world created the conditions, the mass media in social life to become a most important part. Moreover, with the rapid economic growth, most of the media gradually detached from the complete reliance on national funding, the media make their own decisions to become a major source of income, so the media who have a business side, in order to profit as the goal in the media industry has become a universal, but the special nature of the media industry and business are very different from the outbreak of the media industry often thought it a moral issue, and its final analysis is the name of Wei.