◎ 翻译(中翻英)一长句

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/22 20:18:26
这类词组, 一般都具有强烈的时效性, 尽管在一定的时期内被炒得沸沸扬扬, 但往往随着时间的推移, 许多这样的词组只能在词典中找到。正是这个缘故, 这类词组通常只为一个时代的人们所知晓。

The validity of these kind of expressions always depends on what the era it is. Some of them might get extremely prevalent at sometime, but seemed to be passed by quickly over a certain time period and now can only be found in dictionaries.Because of this, these expressions were only known by the people in one single period.