
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/04/30 08:34:33

1.I've bought a boat so that I can go fishing.
2.He left his notebook at home.(是“笔记”吧?)
3.I wrote a letter last night.
4.I want to have a talk with you this afternoon.
5.This is the book which I have read many times.
6.They managed to finish the plan.或They have finished the plan successfully.
7.You have to finish the (写书?那时什么?)in two weeks.
8.The man can speak various languages fluently.
9.I have heard from my pen friend from Australia.(这句……有点不确定……)
10.Jim is not able to dress himself.
11.All of us believe that Jack is an honest boy.
12.He doesn't know what to say.
13.He has a shower every morning.(这个……冷水澡的表达……难不成是cold shower?Cold water shower?= =)
14.Do you mind my(/me,不过用my比较正式,用me比较口语化) openning the window?

英语果然退步了T T

1 I’ve bought a boat so that I can go fishing when I am free.
2 He left his notes at home.
3 I wrote a letter last night.
4 I’d like to have a