
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/10 23:07:21
这里的swine flu就是“猪流感”的英文表达。值得注意的是,千万不要把猪流感写成了"pig flu"。swine是“猪”的古英语写法,swine较之中性的pig更有贬低的意味,骂人是“猪猡”、“讨厌鬼”,就要用swine这个词。在这里用swine,是因为它是猪的术语说法,猪瘟为swine fever。


Of human infection with swine influenza and influenza-like symptoms after a similar, patients developed symptoms of fever, cough, fatigue, loss of appetite and so on. In the area of prevention at this stage is not necessary to扎堆against human influenza vaccines, because prevention is the prevention of seasonal influenza vaccine do not have the effect of swine flu. The correct approach is to develop good personal hygiene, adequate sleep, the hard-working exercise, reducing stress, adequate nutrition; washing hands frequently, especially after contact with public goods and then wash their hands before touching their eyes, nose and mouth; sneezing and cough should not cover your mouth and nose with tissue paper; maintain indoor ventilation.
Here is the swine flu "swine flu" in English. It is worth noting that the swine flu never written a "pig flu". swine is the "Pig" written in Old English, swine of the pig is more neutral than the mean to belittle,