
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/06 07:53:58
摘要: “校漂族”作为新近出现的一类特殊社会群体正在受到越来越多的关注。他们大都是已经毕业的学生,但仍住在学校附近,经常利用学校的教室、图书馆看书学习,俨然和在校学生没什么区别,但是他们实际上和学校应经没有任何隶属关系。专家认为,“校漂”现象的出现是目前我国处于社会转型期的一种必然现象,在将来一段时期内仍有扩大的趋势。那么“校漂族”究竟为何而“漂”?“校漂族”会对他们本人、家庭、学校、社会带来什么不利影响?对于这些问题,本文在以往研究成果的基础上对“校漂族”进行现状描述,进一步归纳出当前“校漂族”存在的主要原因。接着分析当前“校漂族”的出现对社会的影响。最后针对当前“校漂族”带来的影响,提供一些建设性的策略与建议。

Abstract: "School drift tribe" as a newly emerging class of special social groups are being more and more attention. They are already graduates still living in the vicinity of schools, the regular use of school classrooms, the library reading to learn, and students at school like no difference, but they shall be in effect and the school has no affiliation.Experts believe that "school drift" phenomenon in the current period of social transformation in our country as a natural phenomenon, a period of time in the future, the trend is still expanding. Then the "school community drift," Why the "drift"? "School-drift races" on their own, families, schools, social adverse effects? For these problems, this paper, the results of previous studies on the basis of "ethnic drift school" to describe the status quo to further sum up the current "drift school community," the main reason for existence.Followed by an analysis of t