
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/10 05:19:36
请高手进 要的不是在线翻译的 那种 我要的是标准的 英语 在线等 特别 急 请英语达人帮我一下吧 我现在就一百五十积分了 一个小时内出来 我都给您 伟大的国际主义战士邱少云的故事,小时候就听爸爸妈妈讲过。1952年10月,为打击盘踞在上甘岭的美国和南朝鲜军队,邱少云所在的排,奉命于晚上潜伏在距离敌人只有60米的山脚下,准备配合进攻。12日上午,敌机向其所在的潜伏区进行低空扫射,并投掷燃烧弹,飞迸的燃烧液燃遍全身。为了不暴露潜伏目标,邱少云严守潜伏纪律任凭烈火烧焦身体却纹丝不动。他双手深深地插进泥土里,身体紧紧地贴着地面,直至大火吞噬,壮烈牺牲。邱少云为什么能烈火烧身而不动摇呢?就在于它具有高度的组织纪律观念性。为了不暴露目标,宁可牺牲自己。这是何等崇高的精神!他的英雄事迹也告诉我们:严明的纪律,是成功的保证,是胜利的保证!

A great story of Qiu Shaoyun internationalist soldiers, said parents heard a child. In October 1952, to combat上甘岭entrenched in the army of the United States and South Korea, where anti-Qiu Shaoyun, was ordered to lie at only 60 meters away from the enemy at the foot of the hill, ready to meet the attack. On the 12th morning, the enemy in their place of low-altitude areas of potential fire and throwing fire bombs, flying split燃遍body burning liquid. In order not to expose the potential target, Qiu Shaoyun latent strict physical discipline is allowed to fire charred纹丝不动. His hands deep into the soil, the body tightly against the ground until the fire engulfed, a heroic death. Qiu Shaoyun why are the fire burning and never waver in it? Is that it has a high degree of organization and discipline of. In order not to expose, would rather sacrifice their own. This is how the spirit of the noble! He's heroic deeds and also told us that: strict discipline, is a guarantee of success is to