
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/06 08:19:05

有可能用到的单词:等价分类Equivalent classification 高等代数higher algebra 抽象代数abstract algebra 拓扑topology 矩阵matrix 相似similitude 合同congruent 向量vector 线性空间linear space 同构somorphism 陪集coset 理想 ideal 拓扑同胚topological homeomorphism

Equivalent Classification(EC) plays an important role in studying many subjects,we could classify the complicated things by means of EC and get the typical model from them so that we can simplify the study.

Firstly,It introduces the definition and character of EC used in Math. Secondly,it enumerates similitude and congruent of Matrix, equivalent of Vectors, somorphism of Linear space in terms of Higher Algebra, Abstract Algebra and Topology.Finally, it explains the frequent applications of EC in Math, for example, the coset and somorphism of Group, the ideal and somorphism of Ring, the topological homeomorhpism, etc..