
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/28 18:19:34

Fox Does Environmental Story - But They Didn't Have An Environmentalist
Yesterday on Studio B with Jane Skinner filling in for Shepard Smith, she interviewed Dr. Stephen Garner with the St. Vincent's Catholic Medical Center about the poisonous water and sludge that now fills New Orleans.

Skinner reported that 5 people so far have died from water born diseases. She said that this may really turn into an environmental disaster if you believe what some toxicologists are saying.

Skinner said that the water is being pumped out could end up in the lake, the Gulf or even the Mississippi.

The following is paraphrased, but pretty much verbatim:

Dr. Stephen Garner: Your damned if you do, your damned if you don't. (Comment: Is this how Catholic doctor's talk?) You have this toxic material that not only has sewage but all kinds of chemicals from the factories and the petroleum plants and heavy metals. All known as carcinogenics. C