
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/03 21:17:32
The construction of the China-Russia oil pipeline conforms with the strategic goals of China and Russia to diversify the former's energy imports and latter's energy exports, Chinese Ambassador to Russia Liu Guchang has said.
The move reflects the two countries' confidence and determination to tide over together the current global economic downturn, Liu said in a recent written interview with Xinhua on Sunday.
The signing of a package of oil cooperation deals between China and Russia as well as the start of the oil pipeline project marked a major breakthrough in their energy cooperation, represented a new height of China-Russia strategic partnership of cooperation and further substantiate this partnership, Liu said.

Trade of crude via the pipeline will help stabilize and enhance the growth in bilateral trade, the diplomat added.
Under the agreement reached between both countries, China and Russia will jointly build and operate the pipeline from Rus

The construction of the China-Russia oil pipeline conforms with the strategic goals of China and Russia to diversify the former's energy imports and latter's energy exports, Chinese Ambassador to Russia Liu Guchang has said. 中俄输油管道建设与中俄两国的战略目标相一致:前者的能源进口多样化以及候着的能源出口多样化,中国驻俄罗斯大使馆的刘古昌(音译)说道。
The move reflects the two countries' confidence and determination to tide over together the current global economic downturn, Liu said in a recent written interview with Xinhua on Sunday. 这项行动反映了两国在携手渡过全球性经济低谷的信心和决心,刘在本周日的新华社报道中说道。
The signing of a package of oil cooperation deals between China and Russia as well as the start of the oil pipeline project marked a major breakthrough in their energy cooperation, represented a new height of China-Russia strategic partnership of cooperation and further substantiate this partnership, Liu said. 中俄两国之间的石油合作相关交易的签署以及开始建设的两国间的输油管道工程标志着两国间能源领域合作的重大突破,代表了中俄两国战略性合作伙伴关系的一个新高度并用进一步用实际行动证明了这个关系,刘说道。

Trade of crude via the pipel