
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/15 07:33:30
This suggests that rail will be quite competitive with car for long distance journeys even without very high speeds. However, over longer distances it is air that is the main competitor. Given typical access and egress times from airports, it is rare to achieve a city centre to city centre time by air much below 3hours, however short the journey. Thus the three hour journey time is often seen as an important watershed for rail services. However, it is important to recognise that many business trips will have one or other end located out of the city centre, so that some access time for the rail service must be added on as well. The lower the rail journey time falls below 3 hours, again, the greater the potential catchment area for the rail service. On the other hand, where there is no direct air service, or frequencies are poor, rail may compete in the business market with substantially longer journey times.
The leisure market is generally much more price sensitive, with lower valu

如何证据引进高速服务日期匹配这些期望?在英国,历史上的高速铁路服务在大不列颠迄今在于主要与两列火车;高级旅客列车和高速柴油机列车(或城际125 ) 。该航线为这两个列车主要目的是如图1所示。