
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/07 14:33:11
“六一”的太阳 为什么这样辉煌? “六一”的花朵 为什么这样芬芳? “六一”的红领巾 为什么这样鲜艳? “六一”的孩子们 为什么这样欢畅…… 你知道,他知道, 大家全知道。 全世界少年们的节日 已经来到, 全世界最天真的节日 就在今朝。 “六一”的歌声 为什么这样动听? “六一”的舞蹈 为什么这样多情? “六一”的故事 为什么这样引人? “六一”的集会 为什么这样欢腾…… 你清楚,他清楚, 大家都清楚。 歌舞、故事、集会 表达儿童的幸福, 今天的小苗, 必将长成参天大树。 我们是出巢的小鹰, 明天将飞得很高很高。 我们是含苞的小花, 明天将姹紫嫣红,分外妖娆。 我们就是我们, 红领巾在胸前燃烧。 请看明天 我们将举起山,挑起河, 捧起现代化的祖国, 飞向金色的目标……

"June 1" of the sun, why do you so brilliant?
  "June 1" flowers, fragrant Why do you so sweet?
  "June 1" of the red scarf, Why do you so bright?
  "June 1" of the children, why do you happy ... ...
  You know, he knows, as we all know.
  Adolescents around the world of festivals, has come,
  The world's most naive festivals, on Today.
  "June 1" of the songs, why do you so nice?
  "June 1" of the dance, why do you so passionate?
  "June 1" of the story, why do you so lovely?
  "June 1" of the assembly,Why do you so exult?
  You know, he clearly, we all know.
  Song and dance, stories, assembly, expression of the well-being of children,
  Small tree today will grow into giant trees.
  We are out of the nest of the Kitty Hawk, tomorrow will be flying high very high.
  Like we are small, tomorrow will be colorful, especially en