
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/23 12:15:38
Alignment:Parts were leveled on an average 12-point plane constructed on the top Flange surface.Axis rotation and XY origin was set by using a best-fit alignment on a 168 & 164-point ellipses taken at 0.125” from the top Flange surface around the perimeter of the mirror. See photo below for clarification.
Comments: - Parts measured are labeled with black marker on the inside surface of the part by the customer.
- All nominal values in the report were obtained from the CAD model.
- The 7.18” & 7.25” Radii were measured along the major axis of the ellipse starting and ending at a theoretical plane 0.125” from the top of the Flange surface.Scan points were taken approximately
every 1mm.

对齐:平地部分的平均12分的飞机建造顶部法兰表面.轴旋转和XY原产地是用最适合的对齐168 & 164点省略号0.125采取“从顶部的法兰面周围的镜子。见照片下面的说明。
评论: -零件测量标志标有黑色的内表面的部分由客户。
-在7月18日“ & 7.25 ”半径测量沿长轴的椭圆开始和结束在理论飞机0.125 “从顶部的法兰表面.扫描点采取了大约

Alignment:Parts被在一架平均12-点飞机,被使用一在a 168上最好-合身结盟和对0.125”持有164-点椭圆有关最高凸缘surface.Axis转动和XY起源was装置建造上弄平从向高处升凸缘浮出水面四周周的镜子.有关参看在澄清以下照片.意见:测量零件和在部分的内部表面上黑打记号的人被客户给贴上标签.所有的在报告中票面价值被从卡迪拉克牌轿车模范得到.7.18”和7.25”半径沿着开始椭圆的长轴是仔细斟酌和在一架从凸缘 surface.Scan点的顶部理论上飞机0.125”结局被大约采取每一个1mm.