
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/19 15:31:30
我们学校要举办一个大型的英语节(小学),急需英语节目串词,能简单的把意思表达出来就行.麻烦各位高手了,节目顺序是这样的:1.歌曲联唱(有吉他,架子鼓伴奏),2.<小红帽> 3.拉丁舞 4.课本剧<王二小> 5.艺术体操 6.情景剧 <猴子捞月> 7.街舞 8.亲子游戏<吃苹果>(有家长参与) 9.教师节目:诗朗诵<我自豪,我是中国人>

1。-->2。 Well, that was wonderful, But you know who else likes to sing? I'll give you a hint, she's a little girl in the woods, and we've all known her since childhood. She loves to sing while going to her grandmother's house, little did she know that her voice attracted terrible danger. Little Red Riding Hood everybody!

2-->3, Great show, great show, now that everybody's comfortable and relaxed, let's speed things up with some Salsa (latin dancing)

3-->4. Dance is an art of passion, but it's not the only thing we are passionate about. History, burned into our minds and etched into our school, can send our blood boiling by just a shadow of its dark past. In aiming towards a better future, let's not forget what brought us to what we are today, please enjoy the play, <王二小>

4-->5 plays are great forms of artistic expression, but the gymnasts are not to be beat, they've devised a performed and they ar