
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/24 09:04:58
本文介绍了变频器的发展和应用,并且详细了讲述了ABB公司的ACS800系列变频器在振华港机1200T浮吊中的应用。在整个浮吊的各种变频器应用中,本文主要介绍在起升机构中的变频器应用。并且通过介绍ABB公司的PLC control builder软件更深入分析了在程序中变频器部分的作用。最后提出了在变频器应用中的各种需要注意的问题。
关键词:变频器,起重机,ACS800,PLC control builder

This paper analyzes the developments and the applicaions of the transducers and also describes in detail the applications of ABB's ACS800 series of transducers on the 1200T floating crane at Zhenhua Port. Among the various applications of the different transducers on floating cranes, this paper mainly introduces the application of the transducers on the hoisting structures. By introducing the applications of ABB's PLC conrol builder software, this paper further analyzes the role of the transducers in the programs, and this paper finally brings forward some noteworthy issues in the applications of the transducers.