
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/13 19:22:28

  “Fear can hold you prisoner hope can set you free”
  “人的一生-忙着活或忙着死” —— 《刺激1995》
  2、世钧,我们回不去了。。。 ——许鞍华拍的张爱玲的作品《半生缘》
  3、“You jump,I jump” ——《Titanic》
  “我从不为这么遥远的事情做打算。” ——《北非谍影》
  5、“life is a box of choclate, you never kown what's in it.” ——《阿甘正传》
  6、“It's God, it's my witness
  It's God, it's my witness,it's not going to leave me
  I am going to leave through this when it is all over
  I'll never be hungry again
  No! Nor any of my folk
  If I have to lie,thieve,cheat,or kill
  It's god it's my witness
  I will never be hungry again! ” ——《gone with the wind》