
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/14 19:41:22
A government health probe showed 20 per cent of dairy companies had produced batches of milk containing melamine, an industrial chemical added to milk to make it seem like it had a higher protein content.
The scandal is the latest crisis to affect China's product safety record and it has rattled consumer confidence in food products in China. In 2004, at least 13 babies in Anhui province died after drinking fake milk powder that had no nutritional value.
Hong Kong's biggest supermarket chain Wellcome yesterday withdrew a yoghurt ice-cream bar produced by China's biggest dairy product maker, Yili, after it was found to contain melamine.
Wellcome said in a statement it would stop selling all Yili brand ice cream as a precaution, although other Yili products would stay on sale.
Chinese health officials began a probe into all baby milk powders after reports of children in at least seven provinces developing kidney stones after drinking tainted formula pro

A government health probe showed 20 per cent of dairy companies had produced batches of milk containing melamine, an industrial chemical added to milk to make it seem like it had a higher protein content. 一个政府健康调查结果显示,20%的奶制品公司曾生产过一批含有三聚氰胺(一种工业用化学药品,加入到牛奶中可以使牛奶貌似富含蛋白质)的牛奶。
The scandal is the latest crisis to affect China's product safety record and it has rattled consumer confidence in food products in China. 该丑闻最近成为了影响中国产品安全记录的危机并动摇了消费者对于中国食品产品的信心。In 2004, at least 13 babies in Anhui province died after drinking fake milk powder that had no nutritional value. 在2004年,安徽省至少有13名婴儿在饮用了没有任何营养价值的假奶粉后死亡。
Hong Kong's biggest supermarket chain Wellcome yesterday withdrew a yoghurt ice-cream bar produced by China's biggest dairy product maker, Yili, after it was found to contain melamine. 香港最大的超市连锁店“wellcom”昨日下柜了一批由中国最大的奶产品制造商—伊利—生产的酸奶雪糕,该产品被检测出含有三聚氰胺。
Wellcome said in a statement it would stop selling all Yili brand ice cream as a precaution, although other Yili p