
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/24 10:37:48

摘要 随着计算机网络逐步走入千家万户,“网上购物”作为一种网络产物悄然兴起,并以迅猛之势发展起来。小到零食,大到家电,鼠标轻轻一点,这些商品就可以足不出户在网络上购得,这种新颖、独特、方便的购物方式受到很多网民的追捧,但因其自身发展的局限性而产生的弊端同样受到相当一部分消费者的质疑与排斥。网上购物是利是弊?一时之间众说纷纭,本文以我国网络消费现象为例,从消费者及网上购物自身两大方面进行分析,试图让消费者更深入更全面地认识网上购物,更理智更科学地对待网络消费。

Gradually into the computer network with millions of households, "online shopping" as the product of a network quietly rising, and the rapid development of potential. Small snacks, large home appliances, point the mouse lightly, these products can be purchased homes in the network, this innovative, unique and convenient way to the sought after by many users, but the limitations of their own development The disadvantages of being a considerable portion of the same challenge with the exclusion of consumers. Internet shopping is beneficial or harmful? Suddenly, there are divergent views in this article as an example of our network of consumption, consumers and online shopping from the two aspects of self-analysis, trying to give consumers more in-depth and comprehensive understanding of online shopping, more rational and scientific approach to the consumer network.
