
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/25 03:36:09
谢绝翻译软件 要纯手工打造最地道的美式口语 谢谢

1 上个星期天我和我朋友去漂流,这真的太疯狂了,我一身都被水侵湿了,我的身体没有一处是干的,而且水非常急也非常冷,有点刺骨的感觉.有两个家伙还掉进河流里面,不过还好,水不是很深.但当时他们非常的害怕.

I went rafting with my friends last sunday,it was so crazy,I was wet through,there was even no one dry part on my body ,while the water was very strong and cold,kind of piercing cold.And two guys just dropped into the river,fortunately,the river wasn't very deep,but they were very scared at that time.