
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/08 05:03:08
摘要:农民在城市化的进程中,由于公共利益的用地需求,在其与政府利益博弈中处于劣势地位,丧失了经济、政治、文化等诸多利益,成为农民中的特殊群体——被征地农民。 政府作为公共产品的供给者,有责任为被征地农民群体提供养老保险,使他们不会因为失去土地而丧失养老保障。本文基于苏州城乡一体化视角,简要的介绍了苏州被征地农民在城乡统筹的大背景下进行的苏州被征地农民养老保障制度的探索,其中苏州政府在2007年制定的《关于苏州市市区劳动适龄被征地农民纳入城镇职工社会保险的实施意见》中具体规定了被征地农民养老保障与城保并轨的办法。然后又从分析苏州被征地农民群体养老保障水平有待提高的角度下分析了建立被征地农民养老保险体制并轨城保的必要性,并从苏州的经济水平优势和对补偿被征地农民的良好实践基础方面,论证了建立被征地农民养老保险体制并轨城保的可行性,指出实现被征地农民养老保险城乡一体化是被征地农民养老保险发展的趋势。最后借着苏州被征地农民养老保障与城保并轨过程中存在的问题,对并轨政策从前期调研,组织规划,政策制定,财政扶持等方面提出一些建议,最后希望苏州的城保并轨政策可以推广至全国,使全国各地越来越多的被征地农民可以纳入城保的“怀抱”。

Abstract: The farmers in the process of urbanization, land for public interest as a result of demand, with the government interest in their game at a disadvantage, the loss of economic, political, cultural and many other interests, to become farmers in the special groups - have been land farmers. Government as the provider of public goods, are responsible for land acquisition to provide old-age insurance farmer groups so that they would not have lost their land and the loss of old-age security. Based on the integration of urban and rural perspectives in Suzhou, Suzhou brief introduction by the farmers in the planning of urban and rural land against the backdrop of land to farmers in Suzhou was the exploration of old-age security system, in which the Government of Suzhou in 2007's "About Suzhou City land farmers have been working-age urban workers into the implementation of the views of social insurance "to be specified in the land of farmers Security old-ag