
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/16 00:57:32
As manufacturers move to lower labor cost regions as a result of out-sourcing or a product’s life cycle maturing in one location, new trade and transportation routes often develop. Most recently there has been a shift in the location of manufacturing centers from East Asia to South East Asia (see Figure 1 in the Appendix) and now back again with China’s ascension into the WTO. These shifts show the impact on transportation routes, regions, and ports throughout the world. Much of the trade that impacts the global economy and its transportation systems moves by various modes with its origin and destination in the Asia Pacific region as shown in Figure 2 in the Appendix. To better understand the flows and emerging patterns of global commerce, it requires looking at those elements that make constitute the broader transportation system and its development. These include intermodalism, logistics, supply-chain management, and value-added facilities as well as communications, education, and tr

随着制造商转移到劳动力成本较低的地区,由于外包或产品的生命周期的成熟期在一个地点,新的贸易和运输路线往往发展。最近发生了转变,在位置的制造业中心,从东亚到东南亚国家(见图1中的附录) ,现在再次与中国已经加入了世贸组织。这些变化表明,影响运输路线,地区和世界各地的港口。大部分的贸易,影响全球经济和它的交通系统将通过各种方式同其原籍国和目的地国在亚太地区的如图2所示的附录。为了更好地了解流动和新出现的全球商业模式,它需要考虑这些因素,使构成更广泛的运输系统和它的发展。这些措施包括intermodalism ,物流,供应链管理,以及增值设施,以及通信,教育,交通等基础设施。这些要素的系统,可以促进经济发展和增长。这个全球贸易体系还可能引发区域性问题。
