
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/23 23:52:36

With the globalization process speeding up and the diversifying of the market demands, the current HR(human resorce) strategies of the minor enterprise in South Jiangsu is no longer suitable to the days. To gain a sustainable development, enterprises need to change their strategies to attract the talents.
This article firstly summarizes the current situation of the enterprises and the factors which have led to brain drain(人才流失) and discussed the relation between them. Then it analysed the advantages and disadvantages of the brain gain(引进人才)for minor enterprises and discussed the issues of using and attracting workers in minor private enterprises and offered several suggetions. In the end, it concluded with the idea that minor enterprises have to utilize new strategies to attract and keep the talents.


With the accelerated economic globalization, more complex and changeable market demand of middle and small enterprises, south of existing hu