
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/17 05:57:35
Knitwear is an example of ‘practical design’ in a fast-moving and highly competitive manufacturing industry that makes both technical and aes-thetic demands of the designer. It is a constrained, tractable design do-main, typically involving individual designers designing independent,low-resolution, static artefacts. The fast design turn-around (driven by an annual cycle of fashion ‘seasons’) provides opportunities to observe the design cycle in a limited period. Because of the technical and manufacturing factors and the need for effective hand-over fromdesigner to technician, the mechanisms for realising design d for taking it from the conceptual stage through manufacturedare well-established (albe-it little articulated) procedures. Knitwear designers have a cultural openness about what the sources of inspiration are, and so the sources,and their adaptation, are relatively accessible to external observation.
The nature of knitwear imposes particular design constraints, beca

狗x的楼上的你不行 你就说别人也不行啊 骂谁狗屁不通啊 你看我的资料里那篇翻译有问题了? 这位兄弟要的相对专业 又不是绝对专业 没大问题能帮上忙就行啊 擦 鄙视机译混出来的

昨晚就翻译好了 百度不给粘贴 我又修改了下



