
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/23 03:59:53


function Low(X);

In Delphi code, call Low to obtain the lowest value or first element of an Ordinal, Array or ShortString. Result type is X, or the index type of X where X is either a type identifier or a variable reference.

Type Low returns

Ordinal type (includes Int64) The lowest value in the range of the type
Array type The lowest value within the range of the index type of the array
short string type Returns 0
Open array Returns 0
short string parameter Returns 0

function High(X);


In Delphi code, call High to obtain the upper limit of an Ordinal, Array, or ShortString value. The result type is X, or the index type of X.

X is either a type identifier or a variable reference. The type denoted by X, or the type of the variable denoted by X, must be one of the following:

For this type High returns

Ordinal type (includes Int64) The