how to balance study and play

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/14 16:40:36

Work/Play Balance At MIT
Work hard, play hard!
You may be surprised to find that MIT students - known for their challenging academic courseloads - make a lot of time in their schedules to participate in hundreds of activities outside of the classroom and lab.

A typical student courseload is four classes, and a typical class is 12 "units." A unit is meant to represent one hour per week that the average student will spend on the class. A typical courseload, therefore, requires about 48 hours a week for class, lab, homework, etc. That's a significant commitment, certainly, but there are 168 hours in a week - plenty of time for sports, arts groups, student government positions, clubs, research positions, sleep, and hanging out with friends.

One of the challenges of attending MIT is learning to balance a healthy social and extracurricular life with a demanding workload. Most adjusting takes place during freshman year and is facilitated by