谁知道南非的pieter-dirk uys

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/04 16:40:32

Pieter-Dirk Uys (pronounced /ˈeɪs/ or "ace") is a South African satirist (born 1945 in Cape Town), active as a performer, author, and social activist. He is the son of a Calvinist Afrikaner father and Berlin-born Jewish mother and began his dramatic career as a serious playwright, switching to one-man revues at the height of the Apartheid era.

Uys is particularly well known for his character Evita Bezuidenhout (also known as Tannie Evita), a white Afrikaner socialite and self-proclaimed political activist. The character was inspired by Australian comedian Barry Humphries's character Dame Edna Everage. Evita is the ambassadress of Bapetikosweti - a fictitious Bantustan or black homeland located outside her home in the affluent, formerly whites-only suburbs of Johannesburg. Evita Bezuidenhout is named in honour of the Argentine political figure and former First Lady, Eva (or Evita) Perón.

Under Apartheid, Uys used the medium of humour and